viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

6 Steps to have perfect nails

With these 6 pro tips, your nails with be the hottest trend this summer! Get fashionable nails this season and have all eyes on you.

1=>Mani And Pedi Combo

Some women believe that there is a rule when it comes to painting your fingernails and toe nails the same color. The truth is, you need to start breaking that rule! Start mixing and matching this summer! Go with a lighter color on the fingers and more bright and bold colors on your toes. Mix it up a bit and find the perfect color combo this summer!

2=>Make Your Nails Shine

Leaving your nails all-natural can look pretty too… if you buff them! I love this little trick when I don’t have time to paint my nails; it’s so easy to do! Achieve beautifully shiny nails with Sephora’s nail buffer, only $5! The best summer tool to get smooth nails that are filed to perfection and shaped like a pro!

3=>Soft Feet

The paint on your nails can’t hide in the imperfections of your feet. Get rid of dry callused skin with exfoliating foot scrub. The Body Shop has a peppermint scrub that softens while removing dead dry skin. Get sandal-worthy feet this summer and don’t hide behind your nail polish!

4=>The Best Tool To Have

There are some of us who struggle painting our nails. Lets just say we tend to get polish everywhere except the nail. Essie has a nail corrector that removes polish in areas where we don’t want it! Now your nails can look like you went to a Salon and got them done by a pro! It’s a quick fix to getting the perfect nails this summer.

5=>The Accent Nail

This is one of the hottest nail trends for this summer. If you want to brighten things up with your nail polish, the accent nail is the perfect way to be trendy this season. Paint your ring finger a bolder hue and paint the rest of your nails with a lighter less “eye-catching” color.

6=>Reversed French Manicure

This is by far my favorite nail trends, the half moon or reversed manicure. Celebrities like Demi Lovato have been spotted with this super sexy nail trend. Jazz up your boring old French Manicure and do something more bold and daring. Use a fun bright color for the half moon shape, and a lighter color for the entire nail.

5 Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Everyone wants to have a sparkling white smile. While others would spend thousands of dollars just to achieve a set of dazzling pearly whites, not a lot of people can actually afford thee expensive dental procedures. The good news is that there are actually several home remedies in achieving a set of beautiful teeth without having to spend a lot of money. Here are five of them.
Hydrogen Peroxide

The hydrogen peroxide is among the most effective teeth whitening solutions that you might want to give a try. It contains a powerful whitening agent that will help to whiten your pearly whites in no time. But take note that excessive use of hydrogen peroxide on your teeth might also cause damage to the enamel of your teeth since it contains dangerous chemical. So use it in moderation and if possible, use it once or twice a week only.

 Baking Soda

The baking soda is among the most popular home remedies for teeth whitening. Some people would actually mix the baking soda with the hydrogen peroxide for better results. Simply mix a small amount of baking soda on the hydrogen peroxide and rub it on your pearly whites for a few minutes. If you don’t want to mix it with the hydrogen peroxide, then simply rub the baking soda directly on your teeth.  

Hardwood Ash

You probably have not heard of the hardwood ash as a teeth whitening agent but this is actually a very effective teeth whitening solution. The ash contains potassium hydroxide which is a very effective whitening agent which will effectively whiten your teeth. But make sure that you use only a small amount of the ashes since the potassium hydroxide that is found in it can be dangerous on your teeth too.  


  Strawberries are said to be effective in removing stains since these fruits contain whitening properties in it. Therefore, strawberries are also guaranteed to be effective in whitening your teeth as it will remove all the stains and other discolorations on your pearly whites. Simply mash the berries and leave on your teeth for a few minutes.  

Lemon Juice

The lemon juice is also another effective home remedies for whitening your teeth. You can simply squeeze in a few drops of lemon on your toothbrush and scrub it on your teeth. Aside from the juice, you can also make use of the lemon peel and rub it directly on your teeth.